Thursday, July 28, 2011

How do we. . .?

How do we stop feeling like we are not good enough?

How do we stop wanting someone to love us as we are?

How do we love ourselves enough that these thoughts do not matter but not so much that we become conceited?

How do we strive to do our best but it is never quite right?

How do we stop these feelings of inadequacy?

How do we measure up to ourselves and the ones we love?

As parents, friends, lovers, and children, where is the balance?


Chatty Crone said...

I think we have to pray constantly about it.

Sharon Rose said...

I can answer this. It has come for me after going through some very difficult issues.

Jesus said, the two greatest commandments are: Love the Lord your God and only serve Him. Then Love your neighbor AS you love yourself.

It's the loving ourselves part that we totally abandon in order to please others.

We are made in the likeness and image of God. Sure we are human not perfect. But if God thinks we look good and He created us in His image, then we should lighten up on ourselves and recognize our own beauty. We love God. We love ourselves and the fact that God loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. We love that God loves us. And if God is for us, who can be against us.

Once we are gentle and forgiving with our human selves, we begin to see the value in ourselves. Then it is easy to love others. And the rest of those questions you asked, fall away or fall into place. . . which every way it is supposed to be.

And . . . I am sure after sharing how I learned this, I am sure I will quickly forget and need for you, my sweet friend to remind me tomorrow.

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you for your comment today - I love Hobby Lobby too - and the taping of FF was fun!

Mike said...

If we have those feelings I don't think that they ever go away fully. It's in our nature to be that way. I've tried to break my mold for a long time but I really don't think that it is possible to change our inner selves in some cases.