Friday, August 10, 2012

MDA Donations

Everyone, I want to thank you all for your contributions! We came is as top Jailbird! I will get to meet some of the kids and their family in September. I wish all of you could be there with me because without you, I would not have made it. So thank you all so much! We raised enough to send 3 kiddos to camp! Not just 2, but 3! So again thank  you from all the kids that will benefit from your donations!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

$397 to go!

We need $397 to get the second child to MDA camp! Please donate!

There is even online access where you can donate!

Let's not fail these children! Let's make them feel even more specialer than they already are!

Give them a surprise!

Send them tot camp!

So contact me and I will give you the web address!

Please help these kiddos!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MDA and Jail

MDA has roped me in and will round me up for Jail next Thursday. 

I have to raise $1600 so 2 kiddos can go to camp. 

Got a note today from the mom of one, brought tears to my eyes, got a goodie bag from another and more tears fell. 

I cry because my daughter is moving to Georgia. These kids (and adults) struggle everyday of their lives and they don't give up and don't sit and bawl because of a move. . . 

So I have gotten after it today on my facebook and so far have raised $620 since last Friday. I have til August 9 to raise the other amount. 

If you feel the need to donate, then reply to me and I will send you the online link to donate money. 

May God bless you today and every day!